Thursday, April 01, 2010

Ask Me Anything! Spring Edition

Being I had such a great time with the last Ask Me Anything post, I thought I'd try it again.




Unknown said...

How do you feel?

free font said...

hello! warm greeting 0_0
keep up the good work!

free font said...

hello! warm greeting 0_0
keep up the good work!

BrideOfPorkins said...

A bit bony and a bit squishy, Wiggy.

Unknown said...

what are you trying to get out of this blog cause im new to blogging and i like ur blog??? visit my b logs plz and click somthing lol.

BrideOfPorkins said...

What I was trying to get out of this blog, James, was some kind of connection to the outside world.

I'm not sure where to find ur b logs, if I could I'd click on them, but my only advice is don't take them too seriously and don't expect too many intelligent comments.

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