Walk on the Ocean by Toad The Wet Sprocket: which is the better version? The one that ends with, "As we slowly grow old," or the one with the added chorus?
I prefer the one with the added chorus, but as far as I'm concerned, the more Toad the better.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Burning Question 4/21/06
Tags: April 2006, Burning Questions, music, Toad The Wet Sprocket
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5:55:00 PM
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No contest: the one with the chorus at the end!
So I'm upset that when I downloaded it from legal Napster, they only had the one withOUT the ending chorus. :-( I still think of it as "the one with the end chopped off".
I think the one with the added chorus was only a promo single, because the one with the end chopped off is also on the album. :P
Just as long as they release the other version for download. I'm one of those weirdos that'll download different versions of the same song cuz I like 'em all.
One thing illegal Kazaa has that legal Napster doesn't: the REALLY rare stuff! I like rare stuff. And long versions. And remakes. And long rare remakes...if I had legal access to them. :-P
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