Friday, August 05, 2005

Having just blown my last $5 on Anthony Daniels, I ceased raking and started writing.

Surprisingly, I managed to remember that Arrested Development was on tonight, and so that is why I am sitting at my desk. In a few minutes, I'll be running down the stairs because I forgot to set up the tape for Coffee & Cigarettes, which starts at 9:35 on Sundance. Tom Waits is in the movie, and that is why I must see it.

The commercials during Arrested Development are weird tonight. I count 5 billion spiders and one "If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the chicken."

That last one brings to mind visions far odder than those in the commercial itself, but we're dealing with ad execs that consider "pin-ups" in a firehouse to be other firemen. The Maxwell House commercial where they bastardize Madnesseses Our House? Tragic. Pin-ups are scantily clad women (or I guess men, y'know, whatever)...never forget that. *sniffle*


xodiaq said...

Better than blowing your last $5 on Jack Daniels...

xodiaq said...

This has no bearing on your post, its just funny as hell...

BrideOfPorkins said...

LOL! Dude, you made my writer's block walk the plank.

I want an Avast key. *begins cutting up labels*