Thursday, July 30, 2009

N 42! O...Hell No.

The 100 Word Stories' weekly challenge is getting the best of me now that the humidity has set in and I only think of maybe 15 good words in a 24-hour span. I'm happy about that, because if I was pissing all my brain power into Twitter I'd really need to examine my priorities.

This week's topic is The Games We Play, and me? Games? Have you seen my basement? Have you been lured in there by the smell of cardboard boxes and '70s plastic? Have we played Which Witch? together? Did I drop it down the chimney and turn you into a mouse?

Sorry about that.

I didn't mind so much when my family put me in a home because I never liked those selfish bastards, and once I discovered strip bingo night I was sorry I didn't commit myself sooner!

At first it was a little weird, watching my new neighbors struggle to get their shirts off when their first numbers were called, and I regretted having my cataracts removed when some of them got close to winning, but then I made a load of new friends when I yelled that all I needed was an O69.

That old coot Harold Blonksy hasn't stopped laughing.

Listen to and read all the fun and games here.

Ages 8 and up, contains small parts, don't use dice as bludgeoning devices unless your opponent summons an earth elemental, do not pass go, draw 4 cards and lose a turn.

1 comment:

CSD Faux Finishing said...

This is an interesting challenge you're taking park in every week. I just spent a good chunk of time over there reading. Some super creative stuff to be sure!