Saturday, September 19, 2009

Songs of My Misspent Youth: Freedom Overspill

If you've spent any time after the hour of midnight with me or have been reading this blog long enough, you probably aren't surprised to see Freedom Overspill by Steve Winwood on my official all-time list of songs that take me back to an exact point in my life where I'm no longer sure what the hell I was up to., but I know it was fun.

I still take out my Song Hits and giggle at the mystery of the chair, although since England Dan Seals passed away earlier this year I get a bit misty over the whole "I'm a chair kicker" thing.

That night of making comics out of photos probably foreshadowed what would still amuse me years later, but feeling like a twelve-year-old who knows she'll never play a synth as good as Steve Winwood requires some extra-strength silly to drive that kind of desolation away.


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