Thursday, February 05, 2009

What happens when a vlog sees its shadow.

We've had six weeks of vlogs, and now we'll have six weeks of no vlog! Yes, I have seen my shadow, and shall retreat into the snowy cave of er...clearing space off my drive so I can edit my epic Star Wars fan video I've been planning for years.

Seriously, it's a lot of me uploading and you downloading just to see me go, "Gosh, it's too cold to cut up my old boxes," and I've been busy in places I can't bring the camera and it's too noisy inside the house and I haven't got the balls to really go off in a vlog the way I do in writing anyway, plus my voice has been gone since Wednesday and this very morning The Puppy had candy! And we learned that The Puppy is one of those dogs that shouldn't have candy! EVER! She's fine now. I did not have to kill anyone over this, which is always good.

Vlog 7 will rise in March with the crocuses!

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