Wednesday, May 27, 2009

For Once, Tetris Never Occured To Me.

I'm nearing only a mere three weeks behind in my reposts of my entries for the 100 Word Stories' weekly challenge!

The theme for challenge #157 was Falling Bricks Hurt, and I seriously considered not even going near that. But then this happened:

A 58-year-old man from Brooklyn with no prior arrests and no evidence of drug or alcohol dependency was transferred from police custody to the state mental institution after being arrested for disturbing the peace and complaining of auditory hallucinations.

Employed as a bulldozer operator for 30 years, the patient reported hearing screams from the site of a recent demolition. He was found attempting to rearrange rubble, excitedly repeating apologies and insisting the bricks must be reunited.

Prognosis looks bleak as the patient won't stop trying to introduce the concrete blocks in his cell long enough to take medication.

All 13 unlucky tales can be read and heard here, and because the neighbors really were having a good time in the yard, I didn't record my own story, but the midget Laurence Simon keeps on hand for that did the job wonderfully, although I think a cattle prod may have been involved.

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